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customize internal items in the Options modal

taehong asked on October 17, 2024

Is it possible to customize internal items in the modal that appears when clicking Options in the toolbar?

Is it possible to add text, change or delete content inside a modal window, or change a radio button to a dropdown?

2 answers

Maksym Diachenko Maksym Diachenko Flexmonster October 18, 2024


Thank you for reaching out to us.

Kindly note that there is no direct way to configure the existing "Options" pop-up. However, you can create your own custom pop-up and fit it with the settings of your choice, as illustrated in this example: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/osudvqzb/

Here are the key steps for implementing a custom options view:

  1. Add a new tab to the Toolbar using the beforetoolbarcreated event.
  2. (optional) Remove the existing 'Options' tab from the Toolbar.
  3. Create your own Options pop-up. Implement the functionality for opening and closing it.
  4. Add functionality for applying the changes using the setOptions method, and call the refresh method afterward to redraw the component that applies changes.

Please let us know if this approach works for you.

Best Regards,

Maksym Diachenko Maksym Diachenko Flexmonster October 29, 2024


Hope you are doing well.
Our team would like to know if you tried the suggested approach for creating a custom options view.
Please let us know if it works for you.

Best Regards,

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