When I use the Export function on the grid table, it only includes the first 1000 records plus the headers
Flexmonster version used:
"ng-flexmonster": "^2.9.29",
and here is how I'm calling the function:
export() {
Thank your for your help and support
Thank you for contacting us.
We suppose that you are trying to export the data from the drill-through. When you open the drill-through pop-up window for "api"
, "microsoft analysis services"
, and "elasticsearch"
data source types, it displays 1000 rows by default. You can define the maximum number of rows for the drill-through using drillthroughMaxRows
property of the Options Object.
Please let us know if it works for you. Feel free to contact us if other questions arise.
Kind regards,
Correct in the opened window displays the 1000 rows and also the issue is once we want to export the entire values. I already test the drillthroughMaxRows
configuration and the result was the same
Thank you
Thank you for the response.
We couldn't reproduce the described behavior on our side. Kindly check the following JSFiddle illustrating that everything works as expected: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/45zd2n1s/
Also, note that if you have a custom implementation of Custom Data Source API, there's a limit
parameter in the /select request for the drill-through view defined by the drillthroughMaxRows
You are welcome to write to us in case further questions arise.
Kind regards,
Yes correct, I'm using exactly this code:
report: Flexmonster.Report = {
localization: {
grid: {
blankMember: '',
dateInvalidCaption: '',
dataSource: {
type: 'api',
url: environment.flexmonsterDataServerUrl,
index: 'EpromiseDB',
mapping: {
type: 'date string',
type: 'date string',
options: {
datePattern: 'MM/dd/yyyy',
defaultDateType: 'date string',
drillThrough: true,
showAllFieldsDrillThrough: true,
grid: {
showHeaders: true,
drillThroughMaxRows: 3000000
If you can help me please, because I'm still getting the same 1000 rows, not sure if I have to put something else in the dataserver query or configuration
Thank you for the response.
We recommend updating Flexmonster Data Server to the latest version: https://www.flexmonster.com/doc/updating-to-the-latest-version/#update-data-server
Please let us know if everything works fine.
Kind regards,
Version: 2.9.31 for Data Server
It's the new version I'm testing and the drillThroughMaxRows: 3000000 still not working
Thank you for the response.
A possible reason for the described behavior may be a misprint when specifying the drillthroughMaxRows
property. Our team noticed that the drillthroughMaxRows
property is written differently in your message - "drillThroughMaxRows". In this case, this property will be ignored. We kindly recommend checking the same with drillthroughMaxRows
and seeing whether it works.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
The Options object shows below interface, when I changed to the above recommendation, it throws me an error, should I do something else? Or it should be under a different part into the Report object?
interface Options {
chart?: {
activeMeasure?: MeasureObject | MeasureObject[];
activeTupleIndex?: number;
autoRange?: boolean;
labelsHierarchy?: string;
multipleMeasures?: boolean;
oneLevel?: boolean;
showFilter?: boolean;
showLegend?: boolean;
showLegendButton?: boolean;
showMeasures?: boolean;
showWarning?: boolean;
title?: string;
type?: string;
showDataLabels?: boolean;
reversedAxes?: boolean;
showAllLabels?: boolean;
showOneMeasureSelection?: boolean;
position?: string;
pieDataIndex?: string;
axisShortNumberFormat?: boolean;
grid?: {
showFilter?: boolean;
showGrandTotals?: string;
showHeaders?: boolean;
showHierarchies?: boolean;
showHierarchyCaptions?: boolean;
showReportFiltersArea?: boolean;
showTotals?: string;
title?: string;
type?: string;
showAutoCalculationBar?: boolean;
dragging?: boolean;
grandTotalsPosition?: string;
drillThroughMaxRows?: number;
filter?: {
* @deprecated `timezoneOffset` was deprecated. Now filter adjusts to the time zone of the specific hierarchy.
* The property will be eventually removed from the type definitions.
timezoneOffset?: number;
weekOffset?: number;
dateFormat?: string;
liveSearch?: boolean;
allowBrowsersCache?: boolean;
configuratorActive?: boolean;
configuratorButton?: boolean;
dateTimezoneOffset?: number;
datePattern?: string;
dateTimePattern?: string;
defaultHierarchySortName?: string;
drillThrough?: boolean;
editing?: boolean;
selectEmptyCells?: boolean;
showAggregations?: boolean;
showCalculatedValuesButton?: boolean;
showDefaultSlice?: boolean;
showMemberProperties?: boolean;
sorting?: string | boolean;
viewType?: string;
showAggregationLabels?: boolean;
useOlapFormatting?: boolean;
defaultDateType?: string;
timePattern?: string;
showOutdatedDataAlert?: boolean;
showEmptyData?: boolean;
saveAllFormats?: boolean;
showDrillThroughConfigurator?: boolean;
grouping?: boolean;
showAllFieldsDrillThrough?: boolean;
validateFormulas?: boolean;
showFieldListSearch?: boolean;
strictDataTypes?: boolean;
caseSensitiveMembers?: boolean;
simplifyFieldListFolders?: boolean;
validateReportFiles?: boolean;
fieldListPosition?: string;
showEmptyValues?: boolean | string;
useCaptionsInCalculatedValueEditor?: boolean;
expandExecutionTimeout?: number;
readOnly?: boolean;
Thank you for the response.
We have noticed an inconsistency between the Flexmonster and the Angular wrapper drillThroughMaxRows
property name. We will provide a fix with our minor release with the ETA September 5th. With this fix, the drillThroughMaxRows
property should work as expected. Our team will notify you in case of any updates on the matter.
You are welcome to write to us in case further questions arise.
Kind regards,
We are happy to inform you that the issue with the drillThroughMaxRows
inconsistency was fixed.
This is provided in the 2.9.33 version of Flexmonster: https://www.flexmonster.com/release-notes/version-2-9-33/
You are welcome to update the component. Here is our updating guide for assistance: https://www.flexmonster.com/doc/updating-to-the-latest-version/
Please tell us if the fix works.
Best regards,
Hi and thank you so much for the message, I unfortunately don't see applied the change, I already update my wrapper and I'd like to know if I did something wrong during the process, please see attached images
I appreciate your support
Thank you for the response.
This might happen if you haven't updated the flexmonster package. It is necessary to update not only the ng-flexmonster package but also flexmonster package. You can check the component's version by clicking on the grid and pressing Ctrl + Alt + i
(Option + Control + i
on macOS). It should be version 2.9.33.
Could you please ensure that the version of Flexmonster is updated in this pop-up? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Hope you are doing well.
We were wondering if you had a chance to test the updated version. Could you please confirm if the fix works well for you?
Looking forward to hearing your feedback.
Kind regards,
Hope you are doing great!
Just checking in to ask if you had a chance to test the fix. Is there still anything we can help you with?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,