FIX The error when we have empty data(""/null) for levels in JSON was fixed.
FIX The incorrect members in pivot table for levels from JSON were fixed.
FIX The restoration of expandedRows and expandedColumns from a report object that is based on inline JSON data was fixed.
FIX The issue with the inconsistency of the Date type interpretation between Chrome and Safari browsers was fixed. Edge browser identification was added.
FIX The issue with the unnecessary "No data message" for charts was fixed.
FIX The issue with toolbar when the charts are not opening on mobile devices was fixed.
FIX CSS conflict with BootStrapUI that is hanging the browser on iOS 9 mobile devices was fixed.
FIX The Component rendering issue, if it is initialized with the report based on inline JSON data, was fixed.
FIX Compressor PHP The issue with numeric type for SQL Anywhere database was fixed.