NEW Report option options.dateTimeZoneOffset
is now applied to all date fields.
NEW The sample Flexmonster & Angular integration project was updated to Angular 12.
NEW Flexmonster labels have been updated throughout the component.
FIX The issue with search by date members in the filter view was fixed.
FIX The charts exception on cancel while opening a new file was fixed.
FIX The issue with showing aggregations dropdown in the flat view Field List for datetime
hierarchies was fixed.
FIX The issue with loading localization on updateData
API call was fixed.
FIX The issue with incorrect localizationloaded
event dispatching was fixed.
FIX The issue with report filters not added to Excel was fixed.
FIX The issue with saving the date filters when using Elasticsearch was fixed.
FIX The issue with an empty object in the mapping was fixed.
FIX The issue with /
in the formulasGroupName
was fixed.
FIX Data Server DLL The issue with loading indexes was fixed.
DEPRECATED Report option options.filter.timezoneOffset
was deprecated. Now filter adjusts to the time zone of the specific hierarchy.