In the following example setFilter2() doesn't work
Hello, Abons,
Thank you for your question.
The new filters are not currently available for Elasticsearch.
They are only available for CSV, JSON, and databases.
The reason for this is that a different, more custom approach is needed in order to implement the filters for Elasticsearch. That is why we suggest using filtering by members.
Please let us know in case of other questions.
filtering by members works, but I can't use getMembers() with elasticsearch.
I can use the elastic api again to call the members, but is there an alternative method to get stored data?
caption: "relatie keywords"
dimensionCaption: "f_customerkeywords_f"
dimensionUniqueName: "f_customerkeywords_f"
folder: "f_customerkeywords_f"
label: "relatie keywords"
sort: "asc"
uniqueName: "f_customerkeywords_f.keyword"
I tried:
- getMembers('f_customerkeywords_f')
- getMembers('f_customerkeywords_f.keyword')
- getMembers('f_customerkeywords_f', 'keyword')
- getMembers('[f_customerkeywords_f]', '[keyword]')
Hello, Abons,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We would like to point out that getMembers accepts the following parameters:
1) hierarchyName
2) memberName (optional)
3) callbackHandler (optional)
When working with data sources where data is loaded on demand, for example, OLAP data sources and Elasticsearch, the callbackHandler
is used to ensure that the data is loaded and is ready to be used:
flexmonster.getMembers('Color.keyword', '', 'onGetMembers');
function onGetMembers(members) {
for (var i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
Please note that If data load is in progress and callbackHandler is not set an empty array will be returned.
Here is a link to our getMembers guide for more details.
Please let us know if everything works.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,