Hello , i have an error in my console when i try to export to excel
Uncaught TypeError: b8w.charCodeAt is not a function
at B1w.Yea (flexmonster.js?_dc=1588664576925:9)
at B1w.tS (flexmonster.js?_dc=1588664576925:9)
at B1w.Fea (flexmonster.js?_dc=1588664576925:9)
at i7F.Pra (flexmonster.js?_dc=1588664576925:9)
at Function.d0l.mU.x0l.kqa (flexmonster.js?_dc=1588664576925:9)
at Function.d0l.mU.x0l.xoa (flexmonster.js?_dc=1588664576925:9)
at fe (flexmonster.js?_dc=1588664576925:9) here
Have you an idea to solve this ?
Hello, Kevin,
Thank you for writing to us.
We have not managed to reproduce the issue on our end using the latest version of Flexmonster.
Please see the following JSFiddle we have created in the process: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/fpmyksnd/
Our team kindly suggests updating to the latest version of Flexmonster.
If updating doesn't resolve the issue, could you please modify the provided JSFiddle so that the issue is reproducible?
This will help us to understand the situation better and to make further progress in solving the problem.
Waiting for your response.
Kind regards,