Is it possible to show only rows that mmet certain criteria in drill-through?
For example, only rows that have IsSomething > 0
Our team would like to suggest using report filters in order to achieve the desired filtering.
For example, if only the records where the price is greater than 1000 need to be displayed in the drill-through view, the following report filter should be specified:
"slice": { "reportFilters": [{ "uniqueName": "Price", "filter": { "query": { "greater": 1000 } } }], ... }
Please see an example demonstrating the described approach.
Detailed information about report filters can be found in our documentation.
We hope it works for your case.
Do not hesitate to contact us if any additional questions occur.
Best regards,
I'm trying to apply the filter automatically when double clicking he cell but, so far, I've managed to apply the filter AFTER the drill-through view opens with all records
I've tried with
pivot.on('celldoubleclick', function (cell) {
if (cell.measure.uniqueName == "QOD Critical") {
"query": { "less": 0.985 }
and the same with 'drillthroughopen' but as I've said, the filter is applied afterwards.
How can I apply the filter and then show the filtered data on the drillthrough?
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Our team wants to explain that the purpose of the drill-through view is to display the raw data that was used to compose the clicked value. Therefore, only filters applied on the pivot affect the drill-through.
In case another behavior is required, we suggest implementing the custom drill-through feature.
In order to do that, the built-in drill-through feature should be disabled using the drillThrough
property of the Options Object. Next, subscribe to the celldoubleclick
event and use the information received in the callback to select the corresponding part from the data set.
Finally, another instance of Flexmonster can be created within the custom pop-up. The selected data can be uploaded and displayed in the flat form.
Such an approach allows including required filters in the report of the created instance and displaying filtered information right after the drill-through view is opened.
We hope it helps.
Please contact us if other questions appear.