In compact layout, tried to add 2 rows and it is getting in hierarchical format but our requirement is quite different need to place 2nd row as column next to the 1st row.
As you can see from the attachment, JOB DESC is in next level of JOB CODE. For 1 job code only 1 job description available, but it is showing 2 job descriptions (Ford.., Raheja) for 1 job code (LE160645) and same for other job (LE180046) also.
we need in the below format, please provide any solution if exist.
LE160645 Ford GBS (blank)
LE180046 Raheja (blank)
Ravi Kumar
Hi Ravi,
Thank you for posting your question.
In order to display two fields side-by-side instead of them being stacked hierarchically, please use the classic pivot table layout instead.
Furthermore, to ensure that the JOB DESC rows with empty Vendor Code values are not displayed, make sure you do not have the showEmptyValues
option set to true
Here's a quick JSFiddle sample illustrating the suggestions above: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/7zv6j8h3/
Please let us know if this helps.
Best regards,
Hi Mykhailo,
It is good to be getting response from you.
As you provided the solution, it fits best to our requirement and working fine.
Once again Thank You.
Ravi Kumar