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getTableSizes Returs null?

Tom asked on October 5, 2021

We are trying to get the size of the columns and rows in the current displayed pivot. However, the call always returns null instead of the TableSizes object with values. Is there any reason, case or configuration which could prevent getting these numbers?
Setting the TableSizes works fine (SetTableSizes).
Small note, we are using this in Angular with Flexmonster version  2.9.9


1 answer

Nadia Khodakivska Nadia Khodakivska Flexmonster October 6, 2021

Hello, Tom,
Thank you for posting a question to our technical support.
We want to explain that originally all columns and rows sizes are set automatically. It means that there is no need to save them into the TableSizes object. Although, as soon as we use `setTableSizes` or change size manually on the grid, the new values will be added to the TableSizes. After that `getTableSizes` method will return information about the new sizes.
Please let us know if any questions arise.
Kind regards,

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