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We use JSFiddle.net to provide live examples of our pivot table component. With the help of this platform, we have added more than 500 fiddles demonstrating Flexmonster’s functionality: from API calls to integration with charting libraries.

All examples are divided into categories to simplify navigation between them. Please have a look at the categories menu on the left side. If you are unsure which category the necessary example may belong to, just scroll down and look through the titles.

Check out more than 500 samples

Embedding Flexmonster

Flexmonster is embedded using the new Flexmonster() API call. In this section, you can find various examples showing how to embed the pivot table. If you are looking for examples of integrating Flexmonster with various front-end frameworks and other technologies, explore these guides.

    Data source

    Our component supports a variety of data sources: CSV, JSON, SQL databases, Elasticsearch, and OLAP cubes. This section demonstrates the connection to each data source either by defining it in the report or using API calls.

      Configuring the mapping

      Using mapping, you can define how fields are treated and presented within the component. Learn how to specify the caption and type for the field, configure the field’s visibility in the component, create folders, configure multilevel hierarchies, etc.

        Configuring the slice

        Learn how to define which data is shown in your reports: add fields to rows, columns, measures, and report filters. Additionally, we'll explore how to configure sorting, apply filters, and expand values to improve your reports.


          This section shows how to filter data based on a specific field from the slice. There are three types of field filters: by condition, by selection, and by value.

            Conditional formatting

            Conditional formatting can be applied via the UI or using API. This section explains how to define formatting rules, set criteria for specific fields, apply formatting at runtime, and more.

              Number formatting

              Numeric values can easily be formatted in Flexmonster. This section explains how to set currency symbols, precision, thousand and decimal separators, as well as handle special cases like division by zero and infinity values. It also includes examples of overriding the default number format and applying formatting at runtime.

                Setting options

                Using options, you can configure Flexmonster’s behavior and define which functionality is accessible to users via the UI.

                  Aggregation functions

                  An aggregation function defines how the data records are aggregated into the value in the pivot table. This section shows how each aggregation works.

                    Calculated measures

                    Using our pivot table, you can create calculated values, which are within the report. Calculated values can be added via UI, whereas this section shows how they are defined in the code.

                      Configuring the report

                      This section demonstrates various ways of working with a report in Flexmonster. Each report stores configuration details about data and applied visualization parameters.

                        Customizing the grid cells

                        Flexmonster provides the customizeCell() function that can modify each cell in the table during rendering. Below are the most common use cases of the function.

                          Customizing the Toolbar

                          Our pivot table comes with the Toolbar that provides access to the component’s main functionality. This section shows different ways to modify the current Toolbar, including adding or removing tabs, changing labels, adjusting existing tabs functionality, and more.

                            Customizing the context menu

                            The context menu provides quick access to different features, such as sorting and filtering. You can manage the list of available actions by customizing the context menu. Explore the examples below to see different customization options in action.


                              All demos from our Demos section are gathered below. Find different data sources, color schemes, and visualization options.

                                CSS themes

                                Flexmonster comes with lots of predefined themes. Choose between available color schemes and change the style of the component.

                                  Custom CSS

                                  Configure the look and feel of Flexmonster Pivot Table by adding custom CSS styles. Everything can be customized: from font sizes to cell borders.

                                    Flexmonster Pivot Charts

                                    This section lists examples with the component's built-in charts — Flexmonster Pivot Charts.


                                      See the data from a new perspective by integrating Flexmonster with the Highcharts library. Find the needed Highcharts type in the list below.


                                        Extend the component's visualization functionality by integrating Flexmonster with the amCharts library. Find the needed amCharts type in the list below.

                                        amCharts 5

                                          amCharts 4


                                            Get even more from data visualization by integrating with FusionCharts. Find the needed FusionCharts type in the list below.

                                              Google Charts

                                              Enhance web reporting experience by integrating with Google Charts. Find the needed Google Charts type in the list below.

                                                Other charting libraries

                                                Flexmonster can be integrated with any 3rd party charting library. Here, we added integrations with Chart.js, d3.js, and other libraries.

                                                  Custom UI controls and views

                                                  This section contains examples of custom UI controls and views created for Flexmonster using its extensive API.


                                                    Flexmonster offers a variety of different events. This section shows how they all work along with practical examples.

                                                      Export and print

                                                      Export our pivot table to Excel, PDF, CSV, HTML, image, or simply print it. Check out the most popular ways to use and customize export in the section below.


                                                        GlobalObject sets specific configurations that can be applied across all reports. This section demonstrates how the GlobalObject might be used.


                                                          The following section presents a collection of additional interesting usage scenarios.