Flexmonster Software License Agreement (“Agreement”) has been revised and is effective as of January 8, 2025.
The following modifications were made:
The modified version of Agreement is available here.
Downloading, installing, and/or continuing to use Flexmonster Software after January 8, 2025, constitutes Licensee’s acceptance of the terms and conditions of the modified version of Agreement. If Licensee does not agree to any of these terms and conditions, they must cease using Flexmonster Software and must not download, install, use, access, or continue to access Flexmonster Software. By continuing to use Flexmonster Software or renewing the license or maintenance after the effective date of these modifications to Agreement, Licensee accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the modified Agreement.
Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts has a full-functional API to use the component in web applications.
This API documentation describes objects, methods, and events. Use them to create your own UI controls and views to interact with Flexmonster.
Begin with the new Flexmonster() API call that initializes the component. After that, explore the rest of the API and discover more component features and customization options.
Object | Description |
ReportObject | Contains all the possible aspects of pivot tables and pivot charts configuration. |
DataSourceObject | Contains connection parameters and configurations for data sources. |
FormatObject | Defines how numeric values are formatted in the component. |
ConditionalFormatObject | Describes conditional formatting rules. |
MappingObject | Contains information about field data types, captions, multilevel hierarchies, and other view configurations of the data source. |
SliceObject | Defines which data subset from the data source is going to be shown in the report. |
FilterObject | Contains filtering information. |
OptionsObject | Used to configure functionality and manage UI controls. |
TableSizesObject | Contains information about table sizes. |
CustomFieldObject | Allows setting custom fields for Excel export or storing some additional information. |
MeasureIdentifierObject | Identifies measures that are used for different functionalities. |
GlobalObject | Contains a configuration that will be applied to all reports. |
CellDataObject | Contains information about a specific grid cell. |
ChartDataObject | Contains information about a specific chart segment. |
ChartLegendDataObject | Contains information about a specific chart legend element. |
ToolbarObject | Contains information about the Toolbar. |
ShareReportConnectionObject | Contains the configuration needed to share a report. |
FieldListItemObject | Contains information about a Field List item and is used to sort the Field List items. |
ResultHierarchyObject | Describes the structure of fields returned by the filteropen event and different methods. |
ResultMeasureObject | Describes measures used in a report or available in a dataset. |
API call | Description |
addCalculatedMeasure | Adds a calculated measure. |
addCondition | Adds a conditional formatting rule. |
alert | Shows an alert pop-up window with a custom message. |
clear | Clears the report. |
clearFilter | Clears the filter applied to the specified field. |
clearXMLACache | Requests Microsoft Analysis Services to clear the cache. |
closeFieldsList | Closes the Field List. |
collapseAllData | Collapses all expanded nodes and drills up all levels of every hierarchy. |
collapseCell | Collapses a specific node on the grid and charts. |
collapseData | Collapses all nodes of the specified field. |
connectTo | Clears the current report and connects to a specified data source. |
customizeAPIRequest | Allows customizing the request before it is sent to a server. |
customizeCell | Sets a function for customizing particular grid cells. |
customizeChartElement | Sets a function for customizing particular chart elements in Flexmonster Pivot Charts. |
customizeContextMenu | Allows customizing context menu. |
dispose | Prepares the pivot table instance to be deleted with the browser’s garbage collector. |
drillDownCell | Drills down a specific hierarchy level on the grid and charts. |
drillUpCell | Drills up a specific hierarchy level on the grid and charts. |
expandAllData | Expands all fields and drills down all multilevel hierarchies in rows, columns, or rows and columns. |
expandCell | Expands a specific node on the grid and charts. |
expandData | Expands all nodes of the specified field. |
exportTo | Exports the current view to Excel, PDF, CSV, HTML, or image format. |
getAllConditions | Returns a list of conditional formatting rules of the report. |
getAllHierarchies | Returns a list of all available fields. |
getAllHierarchiesAsync | The async equivalent of getAllHierarchies . |
getAllMeasures | Returns a list of all available measures. |
getAllMeasuresAsync | The async equivalent of getAllMeasures . |
getCell | Returns information about a cell by its row and column indexes. |
getColumns | Returns a list of fields selected in the slice for columns. |
getColumnsAsync | The async equivalent of getColumns . |
getCondition | Returns a conditional formatting rule by its id. |
getFilter | Returns the filter applied to the specified field. |
getFlatSort | Returns an array of objects defining the sorting on the flat table. |
getFormat | Returns a default number format or the number format for the specified measure. |
getMeasures | Returns a list of measures selected in the report. |
getMeasuresAsync | The async equivalent of getMeasures . |
getMembers | Returns a list of members for the specified field. |
getMembersAsync | The async equivalent of getMembers . |
getOptions | Returns the OptionsObject of the current report. |
getReport | Returns the ReportObject that describes the current report. |
getReportFilters | Returns a list of fields selected in the slice for report filters. |
getReportFiltersAsync | The async equivalent of getReportFilters . |
getRows | Returns a list of fields selected in the slice for rows. |
getRowsAsync | The async equivalent of getRows . |
getSelectedCell | Returns information about selected cells. |
getSort | Returns the sort type applied to the field. |
getTableSizes | Returns table sizes that are set for the grid. |
getXMLACatalogs | Gets a list of all available catalogs on a given data source. |
getXMLACatalogsAsync | The async equivalent of getXMLACatalogs . |
getXMLACubes | Gets a list of all available cubes on a given data source. |
getXMLACubesAsync | The async equivalent of getXMLACubes . |
getXMLADataSources | Gets a list of all data sources by given URL for XMLA connection. |
getXMLADataSourcesAsync | The async equivalent of getXMLADataSources . |
getXMLAProviderName | Returns type for a given proxyUrl . |
getXMLAProviderNameAsync | The async equivalent of getXMLAProviderName . |
load | Loads the report file from the specified URL. |
off | Removes handlers for the specified event. |
on | Sets a handler for the specified event. |
open | Opens a local report file. |
openCalculatedValueEditor | Opens the Calculated value pop-up window. |
openFieldsList | Opens the Field List. |
openFilter | Opens the filter view for the specified field. |
Prints the current view via the OS print manager. | |
refresh | Redraws the component. |
removeAllCalculatedMeasures | Removes all calculated measures. |
removeAllConditions | Removes all conditional formatting rules. |
removeCalculatedMeasure | Removes a calculated measure by its unique name. |
removeCondition | Removes a conditional formatting rule by its id. |
removeSelection | Removes selection from cells on the grid. |
runQuery | Sets new rows, columns, measures, and report filters in the SliceObject and displays the updated data. |
save | Saves the current report to a chosen location. |
scrollToColumn | Scrolls the grid to the specified column. |
scrollToRow | Scrolls the grid to the specified row. |
setFilter | Applies the filter to the specified field. |
setFlatSort | Sorts columns in the flat form. |
setFormat | Sets the default number format or a number format for the specified measure. |
setOptions | Sets options for the component. |
setReport | Sets a report for the component. |
setSort | Sets the sort type to the specified field. |
setTableSizes | Returns table sizes set for the grid. |
shareReport | Saves the current report to Flexmonster Data Server and provides a link to the saved report. |
showCharts | Switches the view to the specified chart type. |
showGrid | Switches to the grid view. |
showGridAndCharts | Switches the view to the grid and charts; the chart type can be specified. |
sortFieldsList | Sets custom sorting for Field List items. |
sortingMethod | Overrides the default ascending order of field members. |
sortValues | Sorts a specific row or column in the compact form, the classic form, and the chart view. |
updateData | Updates data for the report without clearing the report. |
Event | Description |
afterchartdraw | Triggered after chart rendering. |
aftergriddraw | Triggered after grid rendering. |
beforegriddraw | Triggered before grid rendering. |
beforetoolbarcreated | Triggered before the creation of the Toolbar. |
cellclick | Triggered when a cell is clicked on the grid. |
celldoubleclick | Triggered when a cell is double-clicked on the grid. |
chartclick | Triggered when a chart element is clicked. |
datachanged | Triggered after the user edits data. |
dataerror | Triggered when an error occurred during the loading of data. |
datafilecancelled | Triggered when the Open file dialog was opened and the user clicks the Cancel button. |
dataloaded | Triggered when the component loaded data. |
drillthroughclose | Triggered when the drill-through view is closed. |
drillthroughopen | Triggered when the drill-through view is opened. |
exportcomplete | Triggered when the export is complete. |
exportstart | Triggered when the export starts. |
fieldslistclose | Triggered when the built-in Field List is closed. |
fieldslistopen | Triggered when the built-in Field List is opened. |
filterclose | Triggered when the filter pop-up window is closed. |
filteropen | Triggered when the filter pop-up window is opened. |
loadingdata | Triggered when data starts loading from a local or remote CSV or JSON file, or after the report was loaded. |
loadinglocalization | Triggered when a localization file starts loading. |
loadingolapstructure | Triggered for Microsoft Analysis Services when the OLAP cube structure starts loading, and for the custom data source API when the component sends the /fields request. |
loadingreportfile | Triggered when a report file started loading. |
localizationerror | Triggered when an error appeared while loading a localization file. |
localizationloaded | Triggered when a localization file was loaded. |
olapstructureerror | Triggered for Microsoft Analysis Services when an error occurred while loading the OLAP structure, and for the custom data source API when the response to the /fields request was not received successfully. |
olapstructureloaded | Triggered for Microsoft Analysis Services after loading the OLAP structure, and for the custom data source API after receiving the response to the /fields request. |
openingreportfile | Triggered when a user selects Open -> Local report on the Toolbar or the open() method is called. |
printcomplete | Triggered when the OS print manager is closed. |
printstart | Triggered when the OS print manager is opened to start printing. |
querycomplete | Triggered after the data query was complete. |
queryerror | Triggered if an error occurred while running the query. |
ready | Triggered when the component’s initial configuration is completed and the component is ready to receive API calls. |
reportchange | Triggered when a report is changed in the component. |
reportcomplete | Triggered when the operations can be performed with the component (data was loaded successfully from the data source and the grid/chart was rendered). |
reportfilecancelled | Triggered when a user clicks the Cancel button while selecting a local report to open. |
reportfileerror | Triggered when an error occurred during the loading of the report file. |
runningquery | Triggered before a data query is started. |
unauthorizederror | Triggered when the Accelerator or the custom data source API server sends the 401 Unauthorized error in response to Flexmonster's request. |
update | Triggered when a change occurred in the component. |