Flexmonster Software License Agreement (“Agreement”) has been revised and is effective as of January 8, 2025.
The following modifications were made:
The modified version of Agreement is available here.
Downloading, installing, and/or continuing to use Flexmonster Software after January 8, 2025, constitutes Licensee’s acceptance of the terms and conditions of the modified version of Agreement. If Licensee does not agree to any of these terms and conditions, they must cease using Flexmonster Software and must not download, install, use, access, or continue to access Flexmonster Software. By continuing to use Flexmonster Software or renewing the license or maintenance after the effective date of these modifications to Agreement, Licensee accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the modified Agreement.
connectTo(dataSource: DataSourceObject)
[starting from version: 1.4]
Use this method to connect to a new data source at runtime. It clears the current report and connects to the specified data source. To update the data without clearing the report, use the updateData API call.
The DataSourceObject which contains connection parameters.
1) This example on JSFiddle demonstrates the connection to the following data sources: Microsoft Analysis Services, Elasticsearch, CSV, and JSON.
2) Connect to Microsoft Analysis Services:
type: 'microsoft analysis services',
proxyUrl: 'https://olap.flexmonster.com/olap/msmdpump.dll',
dataSourceInfo: 'Provider=MSOLAP; Data Source=extranet;',
catalog: 'Adventure Works DW Standard Edition',
cube: 'Adventure Works'
3) Connect to Elasticsearch:
type: 'elasticsearch',
node: 'https://olap.flexmonster.com:9200',
index: 'fm-product-sales'
4) Connect to CSV data source:
type: 'csv',
filename: 'data/csv/arabic.csv'
5) Connect to CSV file where colon char is used to separate fields in the row. You have to define fieldSeparator
type: 'csv',
filename: 'colon-data.csv',
fieldSeparator: ':'
6) Open local CSV file:
type: 'csv',
browseForFile: true