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  • API Reference for older versions
  • drillthroughopen

    [starting from version: 2.8]

    It is triggered when the drill-through view is opened. To know when the drill-through view is closed, use the drillthroughclose event.

    Data passed to the handler

    CellDataObject | ChartDataObject
    Information about the object opened in the drill-through view. If the drill-through view is opened on the grid, this is a CellDataObject containing information about the cell. If the drill-through view is opened on charts, this is a ChartDataObject containing information about the chart segment.


    1. Example with the CellDataObject passed to the handler:
      pivot.on('drillthroughopen', function (cell) {
      alert("The drill-through view is opened for the cell - row: "
               + cell.rowIndex + ", column: "
               + cell.columnIndex
               + ", label: "
               + cell.label);
    2. Example with the ChartDataObject passed to the handler:
      pivot.on('drillthroughopen', function(chart) {
      alert("The drill-through view is opened for the chart segment with label: "
      + chart.label + ", measure: "
      + chart.measure.uniqueName
      + ", value: "
      + chart.value);
    3. Choosing the handler's action depending on where the drill-through view is opened:
      pivot.on('drillthroughopen', function(data) {
      if (pivot.getOptions().viewType == "grid"){
          alert("The drill-through view is opened for the cell - row: "
                  + data.rowIndex + ", column: "
                  + data.columnIndex
                  + ", label: "
                  + data.label);
      else if (pivot.getOptions().viewType == "charts") {
          alert("The drill-through view is opened for the chart segment with label: "
                  + data.label + ", measure: "
                  + data.measure.uniqueName
                  + ", value: "
                  + data.value);

    See also
