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  • API Reference for older versions
  • FieldInfoObject

    This object is used in the response to the /fields request to provide information about a certain field from the dataset.


    uniqueName: string,
    type: string,
    caption: string,
    hierarchy: string,
    parent: string,
    folder: string,
    interval: string,
    aggregations: string[],
    filters: boolean | FilterConfigObject
    The field's unique name. The component will later use this value in the /members and /select requests.
    The field's type. It can be "string", "number", or "date".
    optional The field's caption to appear on the UI.
    optional The hierarchy’s name. Used to configure multilevel hierarchies. Specify this property to set the field as a level of a hierarchy.
    See how to configure multilevel hierarchies.
    optional The parent level's unique name. This property is necessary to specify if the field is a level of a hierarchy and has a parent level.
    See how to configure multilevel hierarchies.
    optional The field's folder. Folders are used to organize groups of fields in the Field List. folder supports nesting via / (e.g., "Folder/Subfolder").
    optional A date's aggregation interval to group dates on the server. The component will later use this value in the /members and /select requests.
    Possible values depend on how the server handles date intervals.
    Only for fields of the "date" type.
    optional Aggregation functions supported on the server for the field.
    The server may support the following aggregations: "sum", "count", "distinctcount", "average", "median", "product", "min", "max", "stdevp", "stdevs", "none", or a custom aggregation.
    Note: for fields of the "number" type, Flexmonster Pivot provides built-in front-end aggregations.

    To define supported aggregations for all fields or for fields of a certain type, use the root aggregations property of the response to the /fields request. Note that aggregations set for individual fields override aggregations set in the root aggregations property.

    Learn more about supporting aggregation functions.
    Boolean | FilterConfigObject
    optional Filters supported on the server for the field.
    If the server supports all filters available in Flexmonster Pivot, set filters to true. To support only some filters, specify filters as a FilterConfigObject.

    To define supported filters for all fields or for fields of a certain type, use the root filters property of the response to the /fields request. Note that filters set for individual fields override filters set in the root filters property.

    Learn more about configuring filters.


    Here is an example of a response to the /fields request with the FieldInfoObject:

          "uniqueName": "Category",
          "type": "string",
          "hierarchy": "Item"
          "uniqueName": "Color",
          "type": "string",
          "hierarchy": "Item",
          "parent": "Category"
          "uniqueName": "Country",
          "type": "string",
          "filters": true
        // ...
      // ...

    See also

    /fields request