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  • API Reference for older versions
  • FilterConfigObject

    This object is used in the response to the /fields request to provide information about filters supported by the server.


    members: boolean,
    query: boolean | string[],
    valueQuery: boolean | string[]
    optional Indicates whether the selection filter is enabled (true) or disabled (false) in Flexmonster.
    If the selection filter is disabled, a /members request will not be sent to the server when opening the filter view. This may improve the component's performance when using the filters.
    Boolean | String[]
    optional Configures the conditional filter. To enable all supported conditions, set this property to true. To enable some of the supported conditions, specify them as an array.

    See the list of supported conditions for "string", "number", and "date" field types. The following conditions are supported by all field types: "equal", "not_equal", "between", "not_between". Use this list when configuring filters for all field types in the filters.any property.

    If the query is false, the conditional filter is disabled in Flexmonster.
    Boolean | String[]
    optional Configures the value filter. To enable all supported conditions, set this property to true. To enable some of the supported conditions, specify them as an array. See the list of supported conditions.

    If the valueQuery is false, the value filter is disabled in Flexmonster.


    1) Here is an example of a response to the /fields request where the FilterConfigObject is used to define filters for all field types:

      "fields": [
        // List of fields
      "aggregations": ["sum", "average"],
      "filters": {
        "any": {
          "members": true,
          "query": ["equal", "not_equal"],
          "valueQuery": ["top","bottom"]

    2) Here is an example of a response to the /fields request where the FilterConfigObject is used to define filters for a specific field:

      "fields": [
          "uniqueName": "Country",
          "type": "string",
          "filters": {
            "members": true,
            "query": ["begin", "not_begin", "end", "not_end"],
            "valueQuery": ["equal", "not_equal"]
        // Other fields

    See also

    /fields request