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    Configure Flexmonster Component the way you want using various objects:

    ReportObjectContains all the possible aspects of pivot tables and pivot charts configuration.
    DataSourceObjectContains information about the data source.
    FormatObjectDefines the way how numeric values are formatted in the component.
    ConditionalFormatObjectDescribes conditional formatting rules.
    MappingObjectContains information about field data types, captions, multi-level hierarchies, and other view configurations of the data source.
    SliceObjectDefines what data subset from the data source is going to be shown in the report.
    FilterObjectContains filtering information.
    OptionsObjectUsed to specify appearance and functionality available for customers.
    TableSizesObjectContains information about table sizes.
    CustomFieldObjectAllows setting custom fields for Excel export or storing some additional information
    MeasureIdentifierObjectAn auxiliary object that is used to identify measures when using different functionality.
    GlobalObjectUsed to set options that will be applied to all reports.
    CellDataObjectContains information about the cell.
    ChartDataObjectContains information about the chart segment.
    ChartLegendDataObjectContains information about the chart legend element.
    ToolbarObjectContains information about the Toolbar.
    ShareReportConnectionObjectContains the configuration needed to share a report.
    FieldListItemObjectContains information about the Field List item.
    ResultHierarchyObjectAn auxiliary object that is used to describe fields selected in the report.
    ResultMeasureObjectAn auxiliary object that is used to describe measures available in the report.