NEW Pivot 2.7: Use extra filters for your reports
It goes without saying that filtering is one of the main pivot table features. By outlining a specific set of data it helps focus on what matters more.
Previously, with our component you were able to use three kinds of filtering: by members, by values and a report filter. All of them allow you to display only the data that meets the needed criteria.
What new we did for v. 2.7?
We crucially broadened filtering options for our grid. To underline the main idea, in 2.7 release:
- Value Filters are complemented with a number of conditions.
- New Filters that relate to the column and its data type were added.
Okay, let’s leap into the details to look closer at all new options.
Date Filter - the most desirable feature by our customers. It shows you results for a certain date as well as for a date range.
To choose a date range you can use different conditions like between/after/before etc.

We would particularly draw your attention to such conditions like current/last/next. These conditions can be perfectly used for week/month/quarter/year. As an example, it greatly facilitates your work with any finance reports or else.

This filter also works ideally for reports where you need up-to-date information. Simply put, setting the specific condition like last week and you get the updated data in accordance with the calendar.
Label Filter. This new option allows you to filter data by field item whiсh can be either text or number. Based on a string that you filter, we added a specific set of conditions.
For text string, you can choose conditions like equal/begin with/not end/contain etc. - everything that helps you define the needed text.

For numbers, a set of conditions adjusts to those that are more appropriate for filtering the numbers. It happens when you drag numbers in rows.

Time Filter in Flexmonster shows a duration. You can use it to determine the immediate time that was spent for precise action. As an example, you can measure how much time your worker needed to accomplish an exact task or measure a timeslot of a sales cycle. Convenient, isn't it?

Value Filter. In previous versions, this filter was presented with the TOP X feature and allowed you to show the ten top or bottom elements on the grid.
We enhanced the number of conditions to those that you are used to seeing in Excel. It was quite an awaited feature, so we truly hope that with this variety of conditions your reporting will be more cherished and completed.

There are millions of cases where you can apply all these new filtering options. End-users can now play with the data even more interactively with this new top-level filter.
Nothing more to say. Just enjoy your filtering and get new, more specific insights from your data!