How to Manage Date Types in Flexmonster: Video Guide

We continue to share tips from our Tech team, and in this article, we will discuss more about managing data types in your reports. Dates are essential to any dataset. How you manage, and present date information can significantly impact the insights you derive and prevent mistakes and misunderstandings in data analysis. 

Flexmonster offers a variety of date types to help you visualize and interact with your data effectively. In this article, we'll explore the different options available and provide practical examples.

Date Types in Flexmonster 

  • "date" – the default date type. It can be divided into three separate nested fields: year, month, and day.
  • "year/month/day" – a multilevel hierarchy that allows you to choose only the upper level (year or month).
  • "year/quarter/month/day" – similar to Year/Month/Day, but includes quarter information.

String Date Types

  • "date string" – allows you to set a custom pattern for displaying string dates.
  • "datetime" – represents both date and time and can also be formatted using patterns.

Video Guide

Watch our detailed video tutorial to learn how to manage date types in Flexmonster. We'll guide you through the intricacies of each option, providing practical examples and tips to help you work with dates more effectively.

Example Use Cases

Flexmonster’s date types provide powerful customization options for displaying time-related data, making it easier to analyze trends, track performance, and efficiently organize your reports.

  • Financial Reporting: A financial analyst working with stock price data can group price changes by minute, hour, or day to analyze short-term trends. Time aggregation makes it easier to break down complex time-series data into digestible chunks and detect patterns like daily fluctuations or trends within specific time frames.
  • Marketing Metrics Analysis: A marketing team wants to compare performance metrics for different campaigns over custom date ranges, such as the last 30 days, last quarter, or year-to-date. Date filters can easily adjust to view data for specific periods, enabling flexible and dynamic reporting without needing manual recalculation.
  • Sales Analysis: A company analyzing sales data over time can group its sales by year, quarter, or month. This helps analysts quickly visualize trends, seasonality, and yearly comparisons, making it easier to detect business cycles.
  • HR reporting: An HR department analyzing each team's efficiency can create a calculated field that shows the time spent working on each task. This allows custom metrics or KPIs related to date and time to be added directly into reports, streamlining the analysis process.


By effectively managing date types in Flexmonster, you can unlock valuable insights from your data. Whether you're building complex financial reports or simple data visualizations, understanding these options is essential.

Check out our documentation for detailed examples and guidance.

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