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Data Visualization

Charts, dashboards, and other visual opportunities to enhance your data.

How to create an Interactive Map Dashboard with Flexmonster and amCharts: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Raw data can often feel like a maze—difficult to navigate and even harder to analyze to get useful information. That's where interactive dashboard come in. They turn all that complicated data into simple visuals that are easy to look at and explore, making it much quicker to notice some trends and patterns.

In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through creating an interactive map dashboard using Flexmonster Pivot Table and amCharts

The art of collecting, cleaning and storing small data. Part 1.

In our last blog, we presented a data definition framework. Among all data categories from internal and external sources, human generated data may be crucial for a company. Also, even in the era of Big Data spreadsheets are still very commonly used in small companies and corporations. In other words, there are millions of people collecting and working with the small data type of data which can be easily fitted in an Excel spreadsheet.

Flexmonster Pivot with amCharts: a new connector for a smooth integration

The best way to understand large data quantities is to visualize them. Luckily, we have a lot of instruments to do that.

Flexmonster Pivot helps to represent your data grouped in a stylish grid with all the aggregations, sorting, and filtering that has been done before. It also has pivot charts to display this data even more clearly or visually highlight the core.

Opening the black box of Heat Map Visualization

As the world becomes a more competitive place to live in and amounts of data are constantly increasing, it’s crucial to keep up with the newest trends in data visualization to convey its meaning and make it easier for a human brain to perceive.

Whereas tables and charts have to be interpreted and understood, a Heat Map tends to be a self-explanatory kind of visual storytelling. It embodies a 2D visualization with color as a 3rd dimension. You can visualize your data through variations in coloring which correspond to variance across multiple variables.

CustomizeCell: the new level of grid customization

CSS gives us a lot of possibilities to change the look and feel of the component (read more in the Сustomizing appearance tutorial). But sometimes it is not enough. For example, what if we have a report with countries and want to make countries clickable (hyperlinks) and show additional details for each of them?

What gets measured gets done

In the last blogs, we mostly focused on few universal aspects of business reporting. We discussed data visualisation and storytelling impact on perception and effectiveness of business reports. This time, in order to reach more concrete insights, we will concentrate more on marketing analytics.

In the Data Visualisation Rush

Data volumes which can be easily produced and accumulated nowadays are enormous but revealing their advantages is harder than ever. What we still need is complex and erratic information to be presented with clarity, efficiency and precision. For this purpose, we have a variety of data visualisation tools at our disposal, but in a rush, we can easily slip into vivid visualisation effects and lose benefits of the systematic approach of working with data.

Therefore in anticipation of lifting Flexmonster Pivot Table Component to a new level, we start a series of weekly blogs about data visualisation. We will go all the way through often neglected basics to everyday tips for making your visual communication better. Let us start with a quick review of three key principles of the qualitative data visualisation.