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  • Calculated values

    Calculated values give you the option to add measures that were missing in the original data. They can be saved and restored within the report. This feature is available for "json", "csv" and "api" data source types. Each calculated measure is defined inside the measures property of the SliceObject.

    Calculated measure properties

    The calculated measure has the following properties:

    The measure’s unique name. This property will be used as an identifier for the measure inside Flexmonster and as an identifier to remove the measure via API.
    Represents the formula. It can contain:
    • Operators and functions. Check out the full list.
    • Numbers. Negative numbers can be used as well (see an example).
    • Measures. A measure can be addressed using its unique name and an aggregation function. For example, sum("Price") or max("Order"). See a list of supported aggregations in Flexmonster's technical specifications.
    • Calculated measures. To address another calculated measure, specify its unique name. For example, "Formula #1".
    optional The measure’s caption.
    optional The measure’s grand total caption.
    optional Indicates whether the measure will be selected for the report (true) or not (false). active: false can be useful if the measure has non-default properties, but should not be selected for the grid or the chart.
    Default value: true.
    optional Defines whether the formula is calculated using raw values (true) or using aggregated values (false). Only for "csv" and "json" data source types.
    Default value: false.
    optional Defines whether the formula is calculated using NaN values (true) or using null values (false).
    Default value: true.
    optional The name of the number formatting that will be applied to the measure. Measure values can be formatted according to the number formatting defined in the report. All available number formattings are stored in the formats array in the report. More information about the number formatting part of the report can be found in the number formatting article.


    Adding a calculated measure

    The example below illustrates how to define a calculated measure with the minimum price for each color:

    slice: {
      rows: [
        // Fields
      measures: [
      // Other measures
          formula: "min('Price')",
          uniqueName: "Min Price",
    Live sample

    Using multiple measures in a formula

    The next example shows how to define a formula with two measures:

    slice: {
      rows: [
        // Fields
      measures: [
        // Other measures
          uniqueName: "Total Price",
          formula: "sum('Price') * sum('Quantity')",
          uniqueName: "Top Category",
          formula: "average('Price') < 4000 and sum('Quantity') > 100",
    Live sample

    Applying conditional formatting to calculated values

    You can apply conditional formatting to your calculated measure. For example:

    report: {
      slice: {
        rows: [
          // Fields
        measures: [
          // Other measures
            uniqueName: "Top Category",
            formula: "average('Price') < 4000 and sum('Quantity') > 100",
      conditions: [
          formula: "#value = 1",
          measure: "Top Category",
          format: {
            backgroundColor: "#66FF99",
            color: "#000000",
            fontFamily: "Arial",
            fontSize: "12px",
    Live sample

    Using negative numbers in a formula

    To use a negative number in a formula, enclose the number in parentheses. For example:

    slice: {
      rows: [
        // Fields
      measures: [
        // Other measures
          formula: "(-1) * sum('Price')",
          uniqueName: "Inverted Price",
    Live sample

    Specifying number formatting for calculated values

    You can specify number formatting for your calculated measure. For example:

    report: {
      slice: {
        rows: [
          // Fields
        measures: [
          // Other measures
            uniqueName: "% of Total Price",
            formula: "percent('Price') / 100",
            format: "price",
      formats: [
          name: "price",
          decimalPlaces: 2,
          isPercent: 2,
    Live sample

    Using the individual property

    With the individual property, the formula is calculated using raw values. For example, the formula sum('Price') * sum('Amount') will be calculated like this:

    • If the individual is true: 174 * 36 + 225 * 44
    • If the individual is false: (174 + 225) * (36 + 44)

    The following code snippet demonstrates how to use the individual property:

    slice: {
      rows: [
        // Fields
      measures: [
        // Other measures
          uniqueName: "Overall price",
          formula: "sum('Price') * sum('Amount')",
          individual: true,
    Live sample

    For more examples of adding calculated values, see the Examples page.

    The full list of operators and functions for calculated values

    Below is a list of all operators and functions supported in formula:

    • + - arithmetic addition operator. Syntax: a + b.
    • - - arithmetic subtraction operator. Syntax: a - b.
    • * - arithmetic multiplication operator. Syntax: a * b.
    • / - arithmetic division operator. Syntax: a / b.
    • ^ - arithmetic power operator. Syntax: a^2.
    • < - comparison less than operator. Syntax: a < b.
    • <= - comparison less than or equal operator. Syntax: a <= b.
    • > - comparison greater than operator. Syntax: a > b.
    • >= - comparison greater than or equal operator. Syntax: a >= b.
    • == - comparison equal operator. Syntax: a == b.
    • != - comparison not equal operator. Syntax: a != b.
    • or - logical OR operator. Syntax: a or b.
    • and - logical AND operator. Syntax: a and b.
    • if - conditional operator. If the else statement is not specified, cells that do not meet the condition will be empty. Syntax: if(condition, then, else?).
    • abs - function that returns the absolute value of a number. Syntax: abs(number).
    • round – function that rounds the value to the specified number of decimal places. If the number of decimals is not specified, the value is rounded to the nearest integer. Syntax: round(number, decimals?) Live sample.
    • min - function that returns the minimum value. Syntax: min(number1, number2).
    • max - function that returns the maximum value. Syntax: max(number1, number2).
    • isNaN - function that checks whether the value is not a number. Syntax: isNaN(value).
    • !isNaN - function that checks whether the value is a number. Syntax: !isNaN(value).

    Add calculated values using the Field List

    Use Add calculated value in the Field List to add the calculated measure at runtime.

    add calculated value

    Calculated values via API

    Calculated measures can be defined within the report or added via the addCalculatedMeasure() API call. To remove a calculated measure use the removeCalculatedMeasure() API call. removeAllCalculatedMeasures() removes all calculated measures.