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  • Filter by selection

    Filter by selection allows choosing specific field members to display.

    Visit our Examples page for live examples that demonstrate how to filter in Flexmonster.

    About the filter

    The filter by selection can be used to:

    Availability for data sources

    The filter by selection is available for all data sources.

    Note For the custom data source API, the filter by selection must be implemented on your server. For more details, refer to the Configuring filters guide.

    Applying the filter

    The filter by selection can be applied via UI, in the report, or using API:

    Via UI

    Selection filter can be applied via UI in the following ways:

    Using the filter view

    Step 1. Open the filter view by clicking the field’s name or using the field’s context menu. You can resize the filter view using its window borders.

    Step 2. Use the checkboxes to select field members that should be displayed or hidden.

    You can also filter members using the search box. For more details, refer to the Advanced tips guide.

    The screenshot below shows an example of a filter configuration:

    Step 3. Once the filter is configured, click the APPLY button to save your configuration.

    Using a context menu

    Open a field member’s context menu and choose one of the following options:

    • Filter by the member. Create a selection filter that shows only the chosen member. 
    • Exclude the member. Create a selection filter that hides the chosen member.

    In the report

    Using API

    Note Filter by selection is ignored for fields with only one member.

    Clearing the filter

    Learn how to clear the filter by selection:

    Via UI

    Using the context menu

    Right-click a cell with the field’s member to open the context menu. Then, select the Clear filter option.

    Using the filter view

    Step 1. Open the filter view by clicking the field’s name or using the field’s context menu.

    Step 2. Select the Select all checkbox to choose all members:

    Step 3. Click the APPLY button to save your changes.

    Using API

    See also