NEW You can now sort members when using the search box for the filter by selection. Click the AZ or ZA toggle buttons to apply the sorting.
FIX accessibility Grid: the button
role was added to cells with field names that open the filter view.
FIX accessibility Filter view: the close button (×) in the search box now has an accessible name added using the aria-label
FIX accessibility Filter view: the aria-selected
attribute was added to dropdown menus in the Labels and Values subviews.
FIX Flexmonster CLI The issue with add and update commands on Windows was fixed. Update the flexmonster-cli package to version 2.9.70.
FIX Accessibility improvements were added.
FIX The issue with localization being cleared on the updateData() call was fixed.
FIX custom data source API The issue with data in expanded cells being missing when there are drills in the slice and expandAllRows, expandAllColumns, or expandAll property is set to true
was fixed.
FIX Accelerator Logger encoding was changed to UTF-8.
FIX In the Conditional formatting pop-up window, newly added conditions now have the highest priority.