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All documentation
  • Introduction
  • Connecting to data source
  • Browser compatibility
  • Documentation for older versions
  • Sample Blazor project

    This guide will help you run a sample Blazor project from GitHub. It is a ready-to-use application with several live Flexmonster demos. Get the sample project to try out Flexmonster.

    To integrate Flexmonster into an existing Blazor project, see integration with Blazor.


    Step 1. Get the sample Blazor project

    To get our sample project, download it as ZIP or clone it with the following commands:

    git clone
    cd pivot-blazor

    Step 2. Run the project

    Run the sample project from the console:

    cd Flexmonster.Blazor.Sample
    dotnet run

    Open http://localhost:5000/ in your browser to see the result. The application can be shut down manually with Ctrl + C.

    Step 3. Check out the project’s structure

    Our sample project is based on a Blazor WebAssemly template project, so most of the project’s files are the same as in the template. Learn more about the Blazor WebAssembly project structure.

    Now take a look at the files specific to our sample project:

    • Flexmonster.Blazor.Sample/Shared/ — menus and toggle elements used in the sample project.
    • Flexmonster.Blazor.Sample/Pages/ — demos that cover different aspects of Flexmonster usage in Blazor:
      • Creating the pivot table (PivotTableDemo.razor)
      • Handling events (HandlingEvents.razor)
      • Using API calls (UsingApiCalls.razor)
      • Updating data at runtime (UpdatingData.razor)

    Learn more about how these demos work: Usage examples.

    What's next?

    Integrate into an existing Blazor project or adjust the sample project to your needs: