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  • Using methods and events

    This guide explains how to use Flexmonster methods and events. First, we will get a reference to the Flexmonster instance. Then we will use this reference to call methods and subscribe to events.


    • An application with Flexmonster embedded into it.
      If Flexmonster is not yet embedded, see Integrating Flexmonster.

    Get a reference to the Flexmonster instance

    To interact with Flexmonster via its API, you need a reference to the Flexmonster instance. Get the reference during or after the initialization:

    During the initialization

    When calling the new Flexmonster() constructor, assign its result to a variable:

    const pivot = new Flexmonster({
      // …

    After the initialization

    Get the reference to the Flexmonster instance via the uielement property of the component’s container:

    const pivot =

    Now the pivot variable contains a reference to the Flexmonster instance. Use the pivot to access Flexmonster API.

    Use methods

    Call Flexmonster methods using the reference to the Flexmonster instance:


    Some methods can also be defined as Flexmonster initialization parameters:

    const pivot = new Flexmonster({
      // …
      customizeCell: customizeCellFunction

    Such methods include:

    See the full list of Flexmonster methods.

    Use events

    There are two ways to subscribe to an event:

    You can also unsubscribe from an event.

    Subscribing to an event via the initialization parameters

    Define an event as the new Flexmonster() parameter and assign an event handler to it:

    const pivot = new Flexmonster({
      // …
      reportcomplete: onReportComplete

    See the full list of Flexmonster events.

    Subscribing to an event via the on() method

    Call the on() method using the reference to the Flexmonster instance:

    pivot.on('reportcomplete', onReportComplete);

    Check out the full list of Flexmonster events.

    Unsubscribing from an event

    Use the off() method to unsubscribe from an event:'reportcomplete');

    This will remove all handlers from the event. To remove a specific handler, pass its name as a second parameter to off():'reportcomplete', onReportComplete);

    Note If a handler is specified as an anonymous function, you can remove it only by removing all handlers.

    See also