Thank you for reporting the issue and for providing such a detailed explanation.
The fix is going to be provided with a minor update ETA Aug 11.
Our team will notify you as soon as the version with a fix is available to download.
Please let us know in case other questions appear.
Best regards,
We are glad to inform you that the issue with calculating runningtotalsofrow
and runningtotalsofcolumn
aggregation with nonexistent values was fixed.
This is included in the 2.8.13 version of Flexmonster.
You are welcome to update the component.
Here is our updating to the latest version guide for assistance.
Please let us know if it helps.
Do not hesitate to contact us in case any questions arise.
Best regards,
Please let us know whether the fix of runningtotalsofrow
and runningtotalsofcolumn
aggregations' behavior helped.
We are looking forward to your feedback.
Kind regards,
Hello Illia,
The issue was fixed, thank you very much.
However I have a follow-up question: is there any plan to introduce a configuration on measures based on runningtotalsof* to allow cross-group calculation? i.e. keep calculating a running total across multiple nested hierarchies instead of resetting on each one?
I've read the workaround on https://www.flexmonster.com/question/running-totals-reset/ but it would be interesting to have the possibility to calculate the running total over multiple years for example, while giving the users the freedom to visualize nested values dynamically, in whichever way they want (else we have to create an artificial combinaison of Year-Month, Year-Quarter, Year-Quarter-Month, Month-Day, etc... that just pollute the list of fields)
Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your ideas with us.
We agree that it would be useful to have the possibility to keep calculating a running total across multiple nested hierarchies.
However, our roadmap is full at the moment. We will add the described feature to our backlog. Our team will notify you if something is changed on this matter.
Do not hesitate to contact us in case any other questions arise.
Best regards,