I am trying to get a linechart where Year and Month of due date are expanded, tried to wor with expand call as well as drill but couldnt get it to work.
Please find attached report config and example data as well es a scrennshot on what I would like to do.
can you help me on ow to open the Year dimension?
kind regards
report config attached
example data attached.
Hello, Randolph,
Thank you for your question.
We would like to kindly inform you that the data set and the report you have provided seem to be incompatible.
However, we did manage to prepare a quick sample that uses a data set generated using your structure as a template.
You are welcome to check out it by the link.
It demonstrates how to drill-down months using the drills
Our team would like to kindly draw your attention to the fact that it is always possible to configure the desired view manually and save the report in order to be able to apply it later or use it as a template.
Please let us know if it works for you.
In case the functionality demonstrated in example does not cover your needs, our team would like to kindly ask you to provide some additional explanation about the result you desire to achieve.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Hello Illia,
works like a charm, thanks for your support.
kind regards