I use a FlexMonster component to display the status of users on a course. The status can be "not started", "not satisfied" or "satisfied".
I first set up the component as a table, than I switch to a pie graph with a segment for each status (see attached picture).
Rather than the count of users in each status, I would like to display the percentage of users in each status.
I have also attached the report definifion.
How can I do that?
Hello, Eric,
Thank you for contacting us.
We would like to kindly inform you that percent
aggregation can not be applied over the count
aggregation. However, we would like to recommend using the following approach as a workaround:
Status: "Satisfied",
Name: "Reno",
Code: 123581321,
Quantity: 1
Please check out an example we have prepared for you.
We hope it helps.
Please contact us in case of additional questions.
Best regards,
you can close this old ticket
Hello, Eric!
Thank you for informing us.
Best regards,
Hello, Eric!
Hope you are having a great week.
We decided to get back to you with a little update on this ticket.
Kindly note that now it is possible to calculate the percentage of users with percentofparentrowtotal
aggregation instead of adding an extra Quantity
We have modified the previous example to illustrate the described approach: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/o6g185v3/.
You can find a list of all built-in percentage aggregations by the link or try them using Flexmonster UI.
Hope you will find our answer helpful.
Yes, this is perfect, thanks for feedback.
You can close this ticket.
Hello, Eric!
Thank you for your response. We are happy to hear that our solution helped.
As always, feel free to contact us if other questions arise.
Kind regards,
This question is now closed