I updated to the last version of Flexmonster 2.8.27, but when I open the format Cell Popup I throw into this error "currentMeasureNames is not defined".
I'm using angular 10 and I use the method formatCellsHandler of toolbar.
Best Regards
Hello, Massimo,
Thank you for reporting the issue.
Our team has managed to reproduce it on our side. The fix is going to be provided with our upcoming release ETA March 22.
We will notify you as soon as the version with a fix is released.
As a temporary solution, we suggest downgrading to the 2.8.21 version of ng-flexmonster
by using npm i ng-flexmonster@2.8.21
Please let us know if it works for you.
Kind regards,
Hello Milena,
Thank you for your answer.
I really appreciate that Flexmonster team reproduced the issue but I'm little concerned about the bug fix release date. We need to upgrade to 2.8.27 version because of the two new introduced methods scrollToRow and scrollToColumn that we asked for in a previous change request submission.
Is it possible to have this fix before the next upcoming release?
Hi, Massimo,
Thank you for the detailed explanation of the situation on your side.
We have discussed your request for an early fix with our dev team.
As a result, we changed the ETA to March 9.
Hope it works for you.
Please let us know if any other questions arise.
Best regards,
Hello, Massimo,
Our team has received your request to fix the issue before the 5th of March.
We also checked the email from your colleague Benedetta, who explained the importance of this deadline.
Surely, we do not want to make you postpone the release of your product.
Therefore, our dev team had a look at the task for the fix and already solved the issue.
Please use the following command for an update:
npm install ng-flexmonster@latest
This should install the 2.8.27-1 version of ng-flexmonster
In case the issue is still there, please run
npm install flexmonster@latest
Let us know if everything works fine.
We are looking forward to your response.
Best regards,
Hi, Massimo,
Our team is wondering whether the recent fix helped.
Please let us know if everything works fine.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Hi Milena,
we've upgraded to the 2.8.27-1 version this resolved our problems.
Thanks a lot for your help,
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