We have 3 parameterized Json data, but we need to show only 2 parameters in flexmonster by hiding the 3rd parameter but it has to be present in dataSource for other usage.
As you can see from the below sample data, we need to show only company_Code & created_On but not last_Price.
Is there any option to hide this particular dataSource column from displaying in flexmonster.
[{"company_Code": 1, "created_On": "26-Aug-2014 10:07:08", "last_Price": 247800}]
Hello, Ravi,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
If we understand correctly, your requirement is to remove a certain field from the Field List.
For this purpose, we recommend using the Mapping Object. For example, you can specify the field's type as id in order to hide it from the field list: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/rjqgdstL/.
Please let us know if it helps.