I have my Flexmonster connected to MS Analysis services-tabular (SSAS).
When drilling down in a measure and trying to export it to excel or any of the other options, it seems to go in an infinite loop (as shown on the file DrillDown Issue Not Responding), if one of the fields on the drilldown table is blank (file DrillDown Issue).
Please let me know if this is a know issue and I have to manage these exception on SSAS.
Thanks in advance!
Hello, Rodrigo,
Thank you for giving us some time.
Our team would like to kindly explain that we did not manage to reproduce the problem on the latest version 2.8.19 of the component.
Therefore, we recommend checking if the latest version is used in your case. It is achievable using the "ctrl + alt + i" shortcut when the component is focused.
If the older version is used, we suggest updating the component and making another attempt to export the data. Please see our updating guide for reference.
In case it does not help, we suggest checking your browser console for errors after trying to export.
Please let us know if the update is working for you.
Our team is looking forward to your feedback.
Thanks for your promptly response..
I am using Version 2.8.4 (build 04/06/2020 13:09:53), I will update it and try it again.