Hi there,
I faced with weird behaviour using filters with hierarchies (Configure multilevel hierarchies in the custom data source API example):
Expanding 'Cars' Item leads to API /select
request containing 'Cars' member at filter's 'include' section (this is correct behaviour, see 'Case 1.png').
After applying filter to Items (ex. 'Bikes', 'Cars' and 'Clothing') followed by expanding 'Cars' item, API request conatins 'Bikes', 'Cars' and 'Clothing' members at filter's 'include' section (expected to see 'Cars' member only, see 'Case 2.png') Such behaviour causes unnecessary data being fetched from server.
Is there any way to provide the only 'Cars' member regardless of whether the filter is applied?
Hello, Oleg,
Thank you for posting to our forum and providing screenshots.
The described component behavior seems not expected, so we passed the info about this issue to our dev team.
The fix will be provided with our upcoming release ETA 22 March.
Please let us know if any other questions arise.
Our team will be glad to help.
Best regards,
Hi, Oleg,
We are happy to let you know that our team has already fixed the issue with redundant data loading when filtering hierarchical data.
This is provided in the 2.8.28 version of Flexmonster: https://www.flexmonster.com/release-notes/.
You are welcome to update the component.
Here is our updating to the latest version tutorial for guidance: https://www.flexmonster.com/doc/updating-to-the-latest-version/.
Please let us know if everything works fine for you.
Kind regards,
Hi, Milena,
I confirm that everything works as expected now.
Great job, team!
Best regards,
Hi team!
I've just found that 2.8.28 fix affects first hierarchy level only. When I drill down 2nd level and further, the only 1st level filter applied.
Any ideas how to fix or work around that?
Hello, Oleg,
Thank you for reporting this issue.
Our team has managed to reproduce it on our side.
We will provide a fix in the minor release with the ETA 19th of April.
Hope it works for you!
Do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Hello, Oleg!
Our team has investigated your case. Please find the result of our research below.
We found out that the issue is reproducible only if the type for some fields is not defined correctly.
For example, when the type for number values is string
. Changing the type to number
fixed the problem.
Please see the following example: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/q6zdj4tc/.
Therefore, to resolve the issue, we kindly suggest checking the types specified in the mapping
Let us know if our answer helped.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Hi, Oleg,
How are you?
We were wondering whether our suggestion helped.
Did changing the type of fields worked for you?
We will be glad to hear your feedback.
Kind regards,
Hi Oleg,
Hope you're doing well!
Just checking in to ask if you've found our response helpful. Is there still anything we can help you with?
We'd be happy to hear your thoughts.
Best regards,