I'm having trouble with the toolbar when I customize it incluiding a new item.
When you first create the component, the beforetoolbarcreated event is executed, but if I try to create the component again the beforetoolbarcreated event does not run.
I created a function to create the component. In my page I have a list of options, and when the user selects the option, I go through the parameter for this function, and it creates the component
var pivot;
var createCube = function(options)
pivot = $("#pivotContainer").flexmonster({
componentFolder: "/Content/js/flexmonster/",
global: {
localization: "loc/pr.json"
toolbar: true,
beforetoolbarcreated: customizeToolbar
, licenseKey: ""
Below is the function that sends the options to create the component. A JSON object is sent which is the reportOptions generated by the getReport
var changeFlexMonster = function(opt)
if (pivot != null)
var cube = listCube.find(function(obj) {
return obj.opt == opt
I am attaching two images, one when you create the component for the first time, and the other when you create the component the second time.
Hello Cleyton,
Thank you for providing the detailed description. We had the issue with muting the "beforetoolbarcreated"
event of the second instance of pivot in versions 2.308 and earlier. This issue was fixed in version 2.309. Please update your component to the latest available by downloading it from the website. To make sure you updated the component you can check the component’s version by clicking on the grid and pressing Ctrl+Alt+i
. The information about the version of the component and its edition will be shown in the pop-up.
We would be grateful for your feedback.
Hello Tanya,
Thanks for your help!
How do I access the download page of the latest version available?
Hello Cleyton,
To download the latest version please click on the following link: Download the latest version.
Hello Tanya,
Thanks for your help!