there is a method to scroll grid table on determinate row with an event?
For example i wan't to write rowID in a input text and when i click a button i want to scroll table to the corrisponding rowID.
Hi Andrea,
Thank you for posting your question.
As of right now, it is not possible to scroll to a specific row in the grid using a built-in Flexmonster method.
Could you please let us know how critical such a feature is to you?
Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
I've implemented a page with flexmonster grid and a multi series barchart/line chart in canvajs.
When I pan the chart the row of the grid became colored to highlight the selection. If I start with a lot of record the user don't show anythink because the row highlightedwas in grid hidden row. If I can scroll programmatically the grid became more simple for the user to show highlighted rows.
Same problem is when I click a column on chart that highlighted a row the user if doesn't scroll don't see the row
Hi Andrea,
Thank you for describing your approach in detail.
It is possible to achieve the desired behavior by using the scrollTo()
method on the fm-scroll-pane
HTML element.
We've prepared a JSFiddle example to demonstrate this functionality, feel free to check it out here: https://jsfiddle.net/flexmonster/7jk8531b/
Please let us know if this helps.
Best regards,
Perfect, It work!
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