Hello Team, I am trying to enable Flex monster pivot chart in my Cloud application. Before that, I am curious to now the security precautions I need to take and wanted to how the data is secured when I am using the flex monster using JSON as a data source?
Hello, Kalyan,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We are doing our best to stick with the best development practices to ensure the security of Flexmonster, as this is something we take rather seriously.
Since Flexmonster is a fully client-side component, no data is ever sent to any external resources – it is never transferred to our servers for statistics, license key validation, etc. You can always check Flexmonster's behavior by using your browser developer tools such as network usage.
In addition, you can restrict any unauthorized access by securing the page where Flexmonster is embedded.
We hope this helps.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Kind regards,