We have changed our pricing. Flexmonster Software License Agreement was also updated (list of changes)

Release notes

January 2020 (v. 2.7.24)

NEW Added headers and footers for CSV export.

NEW Added headers and footers for Excel export.

NEW Added headers and footers for Image export.

NEW Accelerator SSAS An ability to define custom Impersonator when using Accelerator as DLL was added.

FIX The issue with the context menu when multiple cells are selected with showHeaders: false option was fixed.

FIX For Elasticsearch, the issue with showing non-numeric data in the drill-through view was fixed.

FIX The issue with the unexpected Date.parse() results was fixed.

FIX The issue with hidden columns on print was fixed.

FIX The issue with multiple value filters was fixed.

January 2020 (v. 2.7.23)

NEW Now the right click selects a cell on the grid.

NEW Now the area selection can be returned back to a single cell.

NEW The option grid.showEmptyValues to show members with empty values on the grid was added (CSV/JSON/SQL only).

FIX The exception on the flat table when using the right-click menu on measures was fixed.

FIX The issue when grid.showFilter option does not disable filtering options in the context menu was fixed.

FIX The usage of quotes in CSV export was optimized.

December 2019 (v. 2.7.22)

FIX The issue with aggregations in the context menu for KPIs from Microsoft Analysis Services was fixed.

FIX The issue with callbacks in the exportTo API call was fixed.

FIX customizeContextMenu is now available on empty cells as well.

FIX The exception when using the inactive measure in values filter was fixed.

FIX The issue with members filter behavior was fixed.

FIX The inconsistency between line charts and bar charts when displaying members with infinity values was fixed.

FIX The inconsistency in textAlign format when formatting "date string" in the flat form was fixed.

FIX The issue with "requestHeaders" not applied when using updateData() was fixed.

December 2019 (v. 2.7.21)

NEW For the flat form, it is now possible to refer to other measures when defining the conditional formatting rules.

FIX Several UI issues when using Flexmonster inside Shadow DOM were fixed.

FIX Styles for the disabled checkbox "Multiple values" were fixed.

FIX The issue with expands not being applied when the field's uniqueName starts with a number was fixed.

FIX The issue with exporting time data to Excel was fixed.

FIX The issue with loading CSV data when gzip is enabled in Firefox was fixed.

FIX The issue with representing numbers with wrong mantissa was fixed.

December 2019 (v. 2.7.20)

NEW For SSAS and Mondrian, setting custom labels for hierarchies and measures is now supported via mapping.

FIX XSS (Cross-site scripting) prevention was improved.

FIX The issue with columns auto-size for specific data sets was fixed.

FIX Data Compressor The issue with a single quote in the latest Data Compressor was fixed.

FIX The issue with parsing CSV data with quotes was fixed.

FIX The issue when using uniqueNames with brackets was fixed.

FIX The issue with filtering and distinct formula calculation was fixed.

FIX The exception which was thrown on the wrong parent name in the mapping was fixed.