We have changed our pricing. Flexmonster Software License Agreement was also updated (list of changes)

Release notes

September 2019 (v. 2.7.14)

NEW If charts.multipleMeasures option is used on charts with one measure selected, the legend will be rendered to display column members instead of the single value.

NEW Advanced filters are available for Analysis Services.

NEW Meta objects now can be defined in the report. Now the mapping object is available in the dataSource object. More information about meta objects can be found here: https://www.flexmonster.com/doc/managing-data-presentation-json/.

NEW React functional component approach with hooks is now available in react-flexmonster.

FIX The issue with closing filter in charts view during resize was fixed.

FIX The issue with editing sorted calculated measures was fixed.

FIX The issue with optimizing pre-defined filter type was fixed.

FIX The issue with slow export from a flat table was fixed. Now export works a few times faster.

FIX The issue with cropped data labels on charts was fixed.

FIX The issue with filterclose event getting fired at each updateData/refresh was fixed.

FIX The issue with exceptions on touch devices in Chrome when dragging fields was fixed.

FIX The issue with canceling data loading for OLAP cube was fixed. 

FIX The issue with expanding nodes in a legend on charts if showTotals: "off" or showTotals: "rows" was fixed.

August 2019 (v. 2.7.13)

NEW Now column sorting in the drill-through pop-up window is available for SQL/CSV/JSON data sources.

NEW Now each report includes version property with the current version of Flexmonster and also creationDate property with the string ISO date which represents when the report was created.

NEW The dataSource.dataSourceType report property was renamed into dataSource.type. dataSource.dataSourceType is supported for backward compatibility.

FIX The issue with scrolling the grid by row and column headers on mobile devices was fixed.

FIX The issue with grid rendering when drilling up rows was fixed.

FIX The issue with duplicating measures after reordering columns in the flat table was fixed.

FIX The issue with undefined React.PropTypes was fixed.

FIX The issue with empty drill-through pop-up window cells for level data with empty levels was fixed.

FIX The issue with not dispatching reportchange event when the filter is cleared was fixed.

FIX   The issue with exception "Mondrian gave exception while parsing query" when trying to drill through data was fixed.

FIX The check for external CSS files in Firefox was fixed.

FIX The issue with wrong direction of sorting arrows was fixed.

August 2019 (v. 2.7.12)

NEW Now getAllHierarchies() API call returns a list of levels if they are available.

FIX The issue with applying grid fonts in the Excel export file was fixed.

FIX The issue with using collapseAllData() API call when the view is scrolled was fixed.

FIX The issue with saving the filter query to the report in the flat form was fixed.

FIX The issue with the refresh() API call increasing column width for specific zoom values was fixed.

FIX The issue with hierarchy and member properties for conditional formatting was fixed.

FIX The issue when a legend on charts is not shown if a slice contains more than one measure was fixed.

FIX The issue with empty columns for reports with difference aggregation was fixed.

July 2019 (v. 2.7.11)

NEW Now we support integration with Angular 8.

NEW Now when the user has an unsaved formatting configuration Flexmonster will confirm before switching to another value.

NEW A new filter.liveSearch property was added to Options Object to control the search input in the filter pop-up window. Indicates whether the search is performed while the user types (true) or requires the Enter button to start searching (false). Default value: true.

NEW A new validateReportFiles property was added to Options Object. Indicates whether validation of report files is turned on (true) or turned off (false). Setting this value to false allows loading report files in the old format without error message. Should be used in global options. Default value: true.

NEW The getData() signature was changed. Now callbackHandler and updateHandler get two input parameters: rawData and error. error is returned only for cases getData() API call gets terminated when it can crash the web page.

FIX The issue with losing expandAll option after partial updating with updateData() was fixed.

FIX The issue with not resorting optimized sorted members after calling updateData() was fixed.

FIX The issue with resetting sorting after changing the slice was fixed.

FIX The issue with cell formatting in IE was fixed.

FIX The issue with not respecting active: true, when adding calculated values via addCalculatedMeasure() API call was fixed.

FIX The UI for adding conditional formatting was improved.

FIX The issue with enabling virtual scroll for a grid with lots of empty cells was fixed.

FIX The issue with a hidden "0" member for Elasticsearch was fixed.

FIX Sorting of numeric members for Elasticsearch was fixed.

FIX The issue with TOP/BOTTOM filters for numbers was fixed.

FIX The issue with editing data in flat mode was fixed.

FIX The issue with SSAS drill-through and filtered data was fixed.

FIX Grand Total is hidden when there is no grand total member.

FIX Error handling for MDX queries was improved.

FIX Now the filter pop-up window is being closed on the Apply button click even if no filtering was done.

FIX The issue with the localization of the tooltips.fieldList tooltip label was fixed.

July 2019 (v. 2.7.10)

NEW Now the context menu contains the following items: Move to Rows, Move to Columns, Move to Report Filters, Remove Field, Remove Measure, Filter by, Edit Formula.

NEW Now you can simplify nested fields in the Field List for Elasticsearch and SSAS data sources. A new simplifyFieldListFolders property was added to Options Object. Indicates whether the folders containing one field should show this field in the root (true) or not (false). Default value: false.

NEW Now getData() API call gets terminated with the error message in the callback when it can crash the web page.

NEW Now React module for Flexmonster includes Typescript definition. It can be used with React + Typescript projects without any additional update.

NEW Now positive currency format and negative currency format fields are hidden in the formatting pop-up window when the currency symbol is not defined.

NEW More tooltips were added to the component's UI. All new tooltip labels can be localized using the updated localization JSON files.

FIX The issue with rounding numbers when using maxDecimalPlaces was fixed.

FIX The issue with getData() returning the double amount of data was fixed.

FIX The issue with Excel export failing in flat form was fixed.

FIX The issue with not saving active: false measures was fixed.

FIX The issue with setting & as null formatter was fixed.

FIX The issue with editing calculated values was fixed.

FIX The requestHeader parameter in the data source object was renamed into requestHeaders. requestHeader is supported for backward compatibility.

FIX The requestHeader export option was renamed into requestHeaders. requestHeader is supported for backward compatibility.

FIX The issue with export to PDF in Internet Explorer 11 was fixed.

FIX The issue with the fieldslistclose event getting fired all the time was fixed.

FIX The issue with unworking items from the context menu if there is no Toolbar was fixed.