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Release notes

August 2024 (v. 2.9.84)

NEW Admin Panel Flexmonster Admin Panel dependencies were updated.

FIX The issue with measure row headers not being visible in the classic (tabular) form when only measures were present in rows was fixed.

FIX The issue with creating a Flexmonster instance more than once in the same container was fixed.

FIX Flutter wrapper The issue when certain methods that return JSON were causing exceptions on iOS was fixed.

August 2024 (v. 2.9.83)

FIX The issue with the fieldslistopen event being triggered on component resize was fixed.

FIX The issue with the active measure label in the measures dropdown menu not being updated was fixed.

July 2024 (v. 2.9.82)

FIX custom data source API The issue with duplicate /select requests having the "drillDown" querytype was fixed.

July 2024 (v. 2.9.81)

FIX The error message for cases when a chart exceeding the canvas maximum size is exported to PDF was improved.

June 2024 (v. 2.9.80)

FIX The issue with saving captions for a "date" field to mapping when using the flat form was fixed.

FIX Error handling for cases when CSV files larger than 256MB cannot be loaded due to XHR limitations in Chromium-based browsers was improved.

FIX The issue with selecting Toolbar tabs in the keyboard navigation mode was fixed.

FIX custom data source API The /select request for the pivot table was improved. If an expanded member is filtered out using the selection filter, it will not appear in the query.