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Technical specifications

Feature JSON CSV FDS (databases, JSON, and CSV) MongoDB MS Analysis Services Custom data source API Elasticsearch
- Grid
Virtual grid that supports rendering and scrolling thousands of rows
Compact pivot table
Classic (tabular) pivot table
Flat table
Grand totals and subtotals
Show/hide subtotals
Show/hide grand totals in rows/columns/both
Show grand totals on the top or on the bottom for flat table
Sort rows and columns
Sort values
Sort multiple columns in the flat table
Show/hide the sorting controls
Expand and collapse values
Drill up and down
Drag fields between rows, columns, and report filters, or out of the grid
Enable/disable the drag-and-drop feature
Resize columns and rows
Select cells
Copy selected cells
Keyboard shortcuts to navigate on the grid
Highlight rows and columns
Auto-calculation bar
Enable/disable the
auto-calculation bar
Editing cells
Enable/disable editing cells
Set grid title
Show/hide spreadsheet headers
Show/hide field captions
- Filters
Value filter
Conditional filter for number fields
Conditional filter for string fields
Conditional filter for date fields
Conditional filter for time fields
Selection filter
Show/hide filter controls on the grid
Show/hide filter controls on the chart
Report filters
Show/hide the report filter area on the grid
Filter by member names using checkboxes
Filter by member names using the search box
- Field List
Add several fields to columns
Add several fields to rows
Add several fields to measures
Add the same field with different aggregations to measures
Select a string field as a value (count, distinct count)
Select a date field as a value
Select a time field as a value
Drag fields in the Field List
Displaying field folders in the Field List
Displaying hierarchy levels in the Field List
Selecting sublevels from a multilevel hierarchy
Search in the Field List
Show/hide the search field in the Field List
The Expand All button in the Field List
UI for adding and editing calculated values
Show/hide the "Add calculated value" option in the Field List
Show/hide the Field List toggle button
Open/close the Field List after the component is initialized
Group fields under folders
Define custom sorting for Field List items
- Aggregation functions
"stdevp" (Population Standard Deviation)
"stdevs" (Sample Standard Deviation)
Custom aggregation
Define available aggregations for a field
Define available aggregations for all fields of a certain type
Show/hide the sigma icon for choosing an aggregation in the Field List
- Pivot charts
Stacked column
Column line
Drillable/expandable axis and legend
Interactive filtration for charts
Tooltips on charts
Split view (showing grid and charts simultaneously)
Set chart type
Set chart title
Show/hide the "Multiple values" checkbox for charts
Select the range of values on the charts automatically
Show/hide the chart legend
Show/hide all the labels on сharts
Show/hide dropdowns with measures
- Drill-through view
Drill-through view for the grid
Drill-through view for the pivot charts
Enable/disable the drill-through feature
The Field List in the drill-through view *
Show/hide the Field List toggle button in the drill-through view *
Configure the slice in the drill-through view *
Sort columns in the drill-through view
Specify the maximum number of rows in the drill-through view
- Toolbar
Save the report
Open the report
Share the report
Conditional formatting
Number formatting
Connect to data source
Switch between grid and charts
Fullscreen mode
Show/hide the Toolbar
- Export
Export to Excel
Export to PDF
Export to CSV
Export to HTML
Export to PNG
Export to the local file system
Export to a server
Export a grid view: compact, classic (tabular), or flat
Export a chart view
Export the drill-through view
Report printing
Add custom headers/footers (Export and Print)
- Options
Multilingual localization
Accessibility support
Set type of view: "grid", "charts" or both
Enable/disable the read-only mode
Choose a default sorting type for members: "asc", "desc" or "unsorted"
Define sorting for members
Set date and time patterns
Enable/disable a default slice for the component
Global options for all reports
Show members with empty values
Show/hide member properties (attribute hierarchies) for OLAP
Use formatting defined in the cube
Expand/collapse nodes from API
Show an alert pop-up window with a custom message
- Data source options
Change a field's caption
Define a field's type
Hide fields from the dataset
Build a multilevel hierarchy based on simple data
Create multiple fields from one field
Different field separators for CSV
Different thousands separators for CSV
Different decimal separators for CSV
Subqueries for server-side filtering
Multidimensional mode support
Tabular mode support
Connection to SSAS via XMLA
Connection to SSAS via
Flexmonster Accelerator
- Customization and styling
Changing CSS themes
Customizing the Toolbar
Customizing the grid
Customizing the pivot charts
Customizing the context menu
- Security and Authentication
Request headers
Basic authentication
Windows authentication
Using roles
HTTPS configuration
Custom authorization
- Integration with frameworks
Vue 3
Vue 2
Module bundlers
React Native
R Shiny
- Integration with charting libraries
Google Charts
Any charting library

* Available when connecting to SSAS via Flexmonster Accelerator

Flexmonster's API calls

API callDescription
addCalculatedMeasureAdds a calculated measure.
addConditionAdds a conditional formatting rule.
alertShows an alert pop-up window with a custom message.
clearClears the report.
clearFilterClears the filter applied to the specified field.
clearXMLACacheRequests Microsoft Analysis Services to clear the cache.
closeFieldsListCloses the Field List.
collapseAllDataCollapses all expanded nodes and drills up all levels of every hierarchy.
collapseCellCollapses a specific node on the grid and charts.
collapseDataCollapses all nodes of the specified field.
connectToClears the current report and connects to a specified data source.
customizeAPIRequestAllows customizing the request before it is sent to a server.
customizeCellSets a function for customizing particular grid cells.
customizeChartElementSets a function for customizing particular chart elements in Flexmonster Pivot Charts.
customizeContextMenuAllows customizing context menu.
disposePrepares the pivot table instance to be deleted with the browser’s garbage collector.
drillDownCellDrills down a specific hierarchy level on the grid and charts.
drillUpCellDrills up a specific hierarchy level on the grid and charts.
expandAllDataExpands all fields and drills down all multilevel hierarchies in rows, columns, or rows and columns.
expandCellExpands a specific node on the grid and charts.
expandDataExpands all nodes of the specified field.
exportToExports the current view to Excel, PDF, CSV, HTML, or image format.
getAllConditionsReturns a list of conditional formatting rules of the report.
getAllHierarchiesReturns a list of all available fields.
getAllHierarchiesAsyncThe async equivalent of getAllHierarchies.
getAllMeasuresReturns a list of all available measures.
getAllMeasuresAsyncThe async equivalent of getAllMeasures.
getCellReturns information about a cell by its row and column indexes.
getColumnsReturns a list of fields selected in the slice for columns.
getColumnsAsyncThe async equivalent of getColumns.
getConditionReturns a conditional formatting rule by its id.
getFilterReturns the filter applied to the specified field.
getFlatSortReturns an array of objects defining the sorting on the flat table.
getFormatReturns a default number format or the number format for the specified measure.
getMeasuresReturns a list of measures selected in the report.
getMeasuresAsyncThe async equivalent of getMeasures.
getMembersReturns a list of members for the specified field.
getMembersAsyncThe async equivalent of getMembers.
getOptionsReturns the OptionsObject of the current report.
getReportReturns the ReportObject that describes the current report.
getReportFiltersReturns a list of fields selected in the slice for report filters.
getReportFiltersAsyncThe async equivalent of getReportFilters.
getRowsReturns a list of fields selected in the slice for rows.
getRowsAsyncThe async equivalent of getRows.
getSelectedCellReturns information about selected cells.
getSortReturns the sort type applied to the field.
getTableSizesReturns table sizes that are set for the grid.
getXMLACatalogsGets a list of all available catalogs on a given data source.
getXMLACatalogsAsyncThe async equivalent of getXMLACatalogs.
getXMLACubesGets a list of all available cubes on a given data source.
getXMLACubesAsyncThe async equivalent of getXMLACubes.
getXMLADataSourcesGets a list of all data sources by given URL for XMLA connection.
getXMLADataSourcesAsyncThe async equivalent of getXMLADataSources.
getXMLAProviderNameReturns type for a given proxyUrl.
getXMLAProviderNameAsyncThe async equivalent of getXMLAProviderName.
loadLoads the report file from the specified URL.
offRemoves handlers for the specified event.
onSets a handler for the specified event.
openOpens a local report file.
openCalculatedValueEditorOpens the Calculated value pop-up window.
openFieldsListOpens the Field List.
openFilterOpens the filter view for the specified field.
printPrints the current view via the OS print manager.
refreshRedraws the component.
removeAllCalculatedMeasuresRemoves all calculated measures.
removeAllConditionsRemoves all conditional formatting rules.
removeCalculatedMeasureRemoves a calculated measure by its unique name.
removeConditionRemoves a conditional formatting rule by its id.
removeSelectionRemoves selection from cells on the grid.
runQuerySets new rows, columns, measures, and report filters in the SliceObject and displays the updated data.
saveSaves the current report to a chosen location.
scrollToColumnScrolls the grid to the specified column.
scrollToRowScrolls the grid to the specified row.
setFilterApplies the filter to the specified field.
setFlatSortSorts columns in the flat form.
setFormatSets the default number format or a number format for the specified measure.
setOptionsSets options for the component.
setReportSets a report for the component.
setSortSets the sort type to the specified field.
setTableSizesReturns table sizes set for the grid.
shareReportSaves the current report to Flexmonster Data Server and provides a link to the saved report.
showChartsSwitches the view to the specified chart type.
showGridSwitches to the grid view.
showGridAndChartsSwitches the view to the grid and charts; the chart type can be specified.
sortFieldsListSets custom sorting for Field List items.
sortingMethodOverrides the default ascending order of field members.
sortValuesSorts a specific row or column in the compact form, the classic form, and the chart view.
updateDataUpdates data for the report without clearing the report.